St. Gerard Majella Guatemala Soap Micro Business
St. Gerard Majella Parish in St. Louis, Missouri is building a Micro-Business for teenage girls living at Hands of Compassion Children’s Home in Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala. The Micro-Business will teach older teenage girls how to learn, operate, and eventually own a beauty soap making operation.
Partner with us by donating for specific necessities for the Guatemala Project 👉
How OSE Works
Problem Identification
Local communities identify their greatest needs and communicate them to the One Spirit Engineering team
Idea Generation
The One Spirit Engineering team leverages engineering and guidance from the Holy Spirit to generate potential solutions to real world problems, prototyping and iterating until a product is developed that proves to be viable, feasible, desirable, and beneficial for the community.
Community Implementation
One Spirit Engineering team members collaborate with local communities to launch solutions that address the community's greatest needs, empowering community members to take a hands-on approach to solving their own issues with technology.
Solution Replication
A business model is developed with local entrepreneurs to scale the product, allowing new jobs to be created and profits to funnel into the community