Partner with Us

One Spirit Engineering builds a bridge between our modern resources and populations in crisis. We are inspired by the Holy Spirit to create innovative technology using locally found resources and optimize them for a large impact. Our current projects help gain stability for food, education, commerce, and creativity.

Your donation will go towards the project of your choice. 

How OSE Works

Problem Identification

Local communities identify their greatest needs and communicate them to the One Spirit Engineering team

Idea Generation

The One Spirit Engineering team leverages engineering and guidance from the Holy Spirit to generate potential solutions to real world problems, prototyping and iterating until a product is developed that proves to be viable, feasible, desirable, and beneficial for the community.

Community Implementation

One Spirit Engineering team members collaborate with local communities to launch solutions that address the community's greatest needs, empowering community members to take a hands-on approach to solving their own issues with technology.

Solution Replication

A business model is developed with local entrepreneurs to scale the product, allowing new jobs to be created and profits to funnel into the community

One Spirit Engineering exists to connect and empower under-resourced communities to engage with the transformative power of creative building. We pioneer technology and easy-to-use instructions so that local resources can be utilized to begin a generation of innovation, commerce and possibility.