How OSE Works

Problem Identification

Communities identify needs, and we prioritize food security, growing commerce, and education—all embedded with spiritual values.

Idea Generation

The One Spirit Engineering team leverages engineering and guidance from the Holy Spirit to generate potential solutions to real world problems, prototyping and iterating until a product is developed that proves to be viable, feasible, desirable, and beneficial for the community.

Community Implementation

OSE partners with local missionaries, pastors, and teachers to implement the technological solutions.

Solution Replication

A business model is developed with local entrepreneurs to scale the product, allowing new jobs to be created and profits to funnel into the community.

Biggest Value

How can we support 18-year-old boys and girls who have just aged out of the Child Welfare System in Guatemala to find employment? We teach them how to construct cutting-edge wood-burning cook stoves.

OSE is collaborating with Hands of Compassion in Santiago, Guatemala, providing training for teenage boys in the technological arena, offering a pathway to job security through small business ownership.

Specifically, we are teaching boys how to build high-tech homes, high-efficiency wood-burning cooking stoves, and ultimately guiding them in setting up a business to sell non-polluting cooking stoves to struggling families in their local communities.

Community Impact


Funding Required

Guatemala Project

We’re partnering with Hands of Compassion
Children’s Home by building a venue to design, build, and sell cutting-edge products such as a non-polluting cooking stove. Teenage boys will learn home building and stove construction, while the girls will learn business skills. We will finish construction early 2024.

Bioponic System

We're engineering an automated system to grow fruits and vegetables, reducing labor, time, and space. This user-friendly system is designed to be so simple that even children can contribute to bringing prosperity to their families.

Biggest Value

Imagine providing a community with limited access to food and soil a technology to cultivate and grow their own organic food at home, eliminating the need for pesticides and herbicides. Picture growing nutrient-rich food, planting a seed, and harvesting fruits without touching the plant. Envision teaching older children to operate and set up this system, creating an abundance of produce to sustain their families and sell to others.

Community Impact


Funding Required

Biggest Value

What if we could design a method to teach children how technology works? Imagine teaching children how to set up a small business, how to treat a wound until it heals, and how to grow plants to produce food. Envision instructing children to produce cooking gas for a small stove. Picture teaching older children how to build and sell the Video Teaching Device—all without language and the need for concept translation. This is what VTD does for the children of Guatemala.

Community Impact


Funding Required

Video Teaching Device

We're creating a collaborative electronic device to teach children how things work through videos and kits. The initial series guides teenagers in assembling and selling the device. Our goal is to build a comprehensive video library covering unlimited subjects for hands-on experimentation and implementation.

One Spirit Engineering exists to connect and empower under-resourced communities to engage with the transformative power of creative building. We pioneer technology and easy-to-use instructions so that local resources can be utilized to begin a generation of innovation, commerce and possibility.